CREC Cares Fund

For staff, CREC isn't just a workplace, it's a community. And in times of crisis, a community offers support. The CREC Cares Fund is a unique employee directed giving program that is intended to support the emergency and immediate needs of CREC community members, including staff, teachers, students, and families who have experienced a catastrophic incident that has caused serious economic hardship.
Each year, employee contributions towards this fund will be used to provide aid to students, families, and other CREC community members who have experienced an emergency, disaster, or some other personal or financial hardship.
Situations that may qualify for assistance include:
- Accident or illness
- Death of an immediate family member
- Natural disaster (flood, tornado, etc.)
- Critical incidents (fire, theft, etc.) that cause a dramatic disruption in income or loss of primary residence
To contribute towards this fund, employees can direct their donations throughout the year via the CREC Foundation. While the focus is on CREC employees helping each other, the fund will accept donations from sources outside of CREC as well.
Decisions regarding the use of funds will be directed by the Executive Director on the basis of financial need, severity, and impact of the emergency on the CREC community member and availability of funds.
How to Donate
A gift of any size can make a big difference.
Option 1
Make a recurring gift through Payroll Deduction
The most convenient way to make your donation is through the Payroll Deduction form. You can return or interoffice your completed form to the CREC Foundation office, and your gift will be processed at the earliest availability.
Download the Payroll
Deduction Form
Option 2
Make a one-time donation online with your Credit Card
Option 3
Donate via Check
Make a check payable to the CREC Foundation, and mail it to:
CREC Foundation
147 Charter Oak Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106
ATTN: Foundation Officer