These services focus on methods for implementing IEPs through the development of specially designed instruction. Professional development strategies for the communication of IEP procedures to parents or guardians, and a variety of collaborative training options are available to facilitate professional and parent communication.
Customized workshops and technical assistance provides in-depth examinations of the Common Core Standards (CCS), connecting them to the role of pupil services staff members. Services include: examination of CCS framework, alignment of the framework, and individualized education program services, identifying personnel roles, and applying best practices to progress monitoring, assessment, and specially-designed instruction methods.
CREC's education specialists provide training to staff and/or parents to raise awareness of disabilities that adversely affect educational performance. This workshop gives an overview of specific disabilities. It provides staff and/or parents with the opportunity to participate in activities that allow them to "experience" what students with disabilities may experience. This experience is connected to instruction, behavior management, connectivity to lesson planning, IEP development, and collaboration with parents.
CREC provides teams of educators with the opportunity to learn about practices and resources that improve services and instruction to ELL students with language disorders. Topics include: L1 and L2 development in English Language Learners; effective Tier I instruction for ELLs; a primer for special education teachers and related services specialists; examining the difference between language acquisition and language disorder, and specially designed instruction for English language learners with language disorders.
Secondary programs for students with disabilities teach independent management of everyday expectations through specially designed instruction and targeted direct instruction. CREC provides professional development, technical assistance, and instructional coaching to maximize resources, redefine staff roles, and align IEP requirements with standards-based practices.
One of the most vaunted new programs in education is social and emotional learning or SEL, defined as the ability to communicate, resolve conflict, interact with others, and manage emotional responses. More and more school districts are encouraging their teachers to include SEL practices in their daily instruction.
This professional development series tackles some of the most challenging Scientific Research-Based Interventions and special education topics that school building teams encounter. Sessions will be led by experienced practitioners, including building administrators, attorneys, and parents, who can facilitate discussions and provide practical ideas. The series begins with a discussion about legal issues and interventions for students with behavior issues.
CREC Central
111 Charter Oak Ave
Hartford, CT 06106
©2025 Capitol Region Education Council