CREC: Illustrative Mathematics® (IM) Services | Hartford, Connecticut

Moving to a problem-based mathematics curriculum represents a significant practice shift for many educators. IM Certified® Professional Learning is designed to meet teachers at stages of implementation:

  • Preparation Phase: These workshops focus on supporting teachers, coaches, or leaders in learning about establishing instructional practices for a problem-based classroom and how to best support implementation.
  • Implementation Phase: These workshops focus on continuing to support teachers and coaches as they gain initial exposure and understanding of IM's curriculum.
  • Ongoing Deep Study with Professional Learning: After a few years of implementation, the ongoing deep study phase focuses on ways to continue to build teacher capacity in additional courses of study.

IM Certified® Professional Learning

We are proud to offer Illustrative Mathematics’ IM Certified® Professional Learning, which includes a full suite of offerings tailored to complement the IM® K-12 Math curriculum and build educator capacity to implement the materials with fidelity. Our team of IM Certified® Facilitators are ready to support you onsite or online as you implement the IM Math curriculum.

IM Certified® Professional Learning Workshops

As part of CREC Resource Group's Illustrative Mathematics professional learning, participants will:  

  • Examine the overarching design structure of IM's curriculum at a variety of levels including the units, lessons and lesson activities. 
  • Be introduced to IM's curriculum materials including formative and summative assessments. 
  • Discuss the norms, routines, and structures. 
  • Explore the built-in supports. 
  • Learn to anticipate common issues teachers may encounter with IM's curriculum and its implementation.

Illustrative Mathematics Unit Planning Guides (UPGs)

The Illustrative Mathematics Unit Planning Guides (UPGs) are designed to provide guidance to coaches and teachers as they deepen their understanding of the courses and units in IM® K-5 and IM® 6–12 Math. Unit Planning Guides promote making connections between lesson learning goals and assessment opportunities, internalizing the mathematics, considering how student thinking develops over time, and building intuition around pacing across lessons and units.

  • Facilitators are provided with additional resources and guidance.
  • Each UPG has the same six tasks. Each task provides teachers the opportunity to engage independently or collaboratively and to synthesize their learning, mirroring the problem-based structure of IM lessons.
  • UPGs are designed to take 1–2 hours but can be shortened or extended based on the planning needs and timing constraints of the teachers.

IM® K–5 Math Center Kits

Math centers are an integral part of the IM® K-5 curriculum and are intended to give students time to practice skills and concepts that are developed across the year. IM Center Kits are available from CREC and developed by CREC IM Certified® trainers for use in elementary schools (K-5). 

Why Purchase IM K-5 Math Center Kits? 

  • Eliminates prep time: Teachers focus on content delivery
  • Implement with fidelity: Teachers have all the resources they need at their fingertips to implement the program as designed
  • Convenient: All center materials printed, sorted, cut and collated 
  • Durable: All game boards and card decks printed on heavy bond cardstock. Card decks are laminated and color coded.
  • Flexible: Order only the grades that you need
A sample kit, with hanging folders, worksheets, and organized in a crate

IM Center Kit Purchasing Options

Card Decks Only

  • Card decks all stages for grade-level centers
  • Laminated for durability
  • Color coded for easy sorting
  • Replace worn or incomplete card decks

Standard Classroom Kit

Includes printed materials only

  • 5 copies of each grade level document
  • Card decks for all stages for grade-level centers
  • Folders for each unit and stage

Premium Classroom Kit

Fully assembled kit

  • Standard Classroom Kit
  • Portable Plastic file box for printed documents
  • Hanging folders
  • Sheet protectors
KGrade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5
Card Decks:156.14 184.59 142.88 159.46 173.24 168.83

Total includes shipping and handling. Please allow 3-4 weeks for processing

Order Now

# of
Card Decks
# of
Standard Kits
# of
Premium Kits
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5


Please be ready to attach a Purchase Order for the above amount during checkout

Note: Purchase Order Number and a PO is required to complete checkout

Based on IM® K–12 Math by Illustrative Mathematics® and used under a CC BY 4.0 International License.

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CREC Central
111 Charter Oak Ave
Hartford, CT 06106

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