The TEAM Program is a process of continuous professional growth designed around five professional growth modules. Depending on the beginning teacher’s area of certification and teaching assignment, they are required to complete up to five modules which are focused on the following domains of the Common Core of Teaching (CCT):
This three-day training for prospective mentors and cooperating teachers is available for individuals selected by the district to serve. The training engages participants in the TEAM module process and how to guide beginning teachers through successful completion of the five mentoring modules. In addition, participants are prepared to host a student teacher while developing effective coaching strategies.
This is a three-hour online training for mentors who have previously participated in a TEAM Initial Support Teacher Training or TEAM Mentor Update Training. Legislation requires that mentors be updated every three years.
This one-day training is required for anyone serving on a district or regional review committee. Districts must select potential reviewers to attend the training to learn the criteria for a successful reflection paper. Participants are given multiple opportunities to read and review a range of papers to assist them in making informed decisions.
An online training for previously trained reflection paper reviewers to update their status. Reviewers must complete the online update annually.
CREC Central
111 Charter Oak Ave
Hartford, CT 06106
©2025 Capitol Region Education Council