The CREC Trude Mero Family Resource Center creates a welcoming community and a one-stop service center for families and students who attend CREC's regional magnet schools or suburban schools through the Hartford Region Open Choice Program. By offering a meeting space for parents and educators and information sessions and forums on school and child development issues at a location that is close to families' homes, the center provides opportunities for families to participate more fully in their child's education.
Wilson-Gray YMCA
444 Albany Avenue
Hartford, CT 06120
The CREC Trude Mero Family Resource Center opened its doors in September 2013 with a ribbon-cutting ceremony in honor of the center's namesake, the late Trude Mero. Gertrude "Trude" Johnson-Mero was a local hero and legend in Hartford. Trude is quoted as saying, "A child should be able to dream — to dream of an education, which brings a job and a home and then provided the tools to realize that dream."
CREC Central
111 Charter Oak Ave
Hartford, CT 06106
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