CREC Soundbridge offers a variety of educational evaluation of students for data-driven Individualized Education Program (IEP) development.
(5 hours)
This evaluation is to rule in/out the presence of the student’s educationally significant hearing loss and/or determine the educational benefit of remote microphone hearing assistive technology (RMHAT). It includes a diagnostic hearing test and comprehensive speech-in-noise assessment. The evaluation is billed in full for 2 hours of in-person evaluation, 2 hours of report writing and consultation with the educational team, and 1 hour for participation in a PPT/504 meeting.
(7 hours)
This evaluation rules in/out a student’s auditory processing disorder. It includes a diagnostic hearing test and a full auditory processing test battery, which includes dichotic listening, temporal processing, and auditory closure. The Educational Audiologist approves the student's candidacy for evaluation before scheduling. If a student presents with hearing loss or other disqualifying criteria during assessment, an Educational Evaluation will be conducted instead. It is billed in full for 3 hours of in-person evaluation, 3 hours of report writing and consultation with the educational team, and 1 hour for participation in a PPT/504 meeting. For students who are completing a re-evaluation with Soundbridge, it is billed in full for 2 hours of in-person evaluation, 2 hours of report writing and consultation with the educational team, and 1 hour for participation in a PPT/504 meeting. Tests for which the student has tested within normal limits for the adult normative range will not be re-assessed.
(4+ hours)
This evaluation determines whether the classroom meets ANSI standards for acceptable noise levels in an unoccupied classroom. Additionally, it provides information regarding signal-to-noise ratio, reverberation time in the school, and seating recommendations to estimate the educational benefit of remote microphone hearing assistive technology (RMHAT). It is billed in full for two hours of in-person evaluation, two hours of report writing and consultation with the educational team, and travel time to/from the Soundbridge office in Wethersfield, CT.
(4+ hours)
This evaluation determines how listening abilities are affected by noise, distance, and visual input in the classroom listening environment and/or determines the educational benefit of different types of remote microphone hearing assistive technology (RMHAT). It is billed in full for two hours of in-person evaluation, two hours of report writing and consultation with the educational team, and travel time to/from the Soundbridge office in Wethersfield, CT.
CREC Central
111 Charter Oak Ave
Hartford, CT 06106
©2025 Capitol Region Education Council