CREC brings together the buying power of school districts, municipalities, and non-profit organizations to offer numerous savings opportunities. We try to make cooperative purchasing as simple as possible so you can save money and time. Our marketplace brings you the ease and convenience of ordering from multiple vendors from one site, while knowing that the contracts you are purchasing from have been awarded through a competitive bidding process. The marketplace is your one-stop-shop.
CREC develops its own competitive bids and promotes national competitively bid programs to complement CREC’s in-state offers. With this philosophy, CREC taps into the expertise of other programs who offer value and competitive prices.
All of the CREC cooperative purchasing contracts have been established through an Invitation to Bid (ITB) or Request for Proposals (RFP). CREC awards bids based on the lowest responsive, responsible bidders. We take into account quality of service, proven performance, and pricing. RFPs and ITBs are conducted in accordance with purchasing procedures mandated by state procurement laws and regulations, and are available to all public and private schools, colleges and universities, cities and towns, and non-profit organizations.
CREC’s Cooperative Purchasing program is one more way that we provide cost-effective solutions to public education challenges.
CREC currently partners with multiple vendors to provide a wide array of procurement categories, and we are always looking for ways to expand our offers. Vendors can express their interest by e-mailing Cara Hart at
In 2016, the Connecticut legislature enacted language that reaffirmed that CT schools and towns have the ability to purchase from CREC’s contracted vendors, while staying in compliance with the competitive bidding requirements through House Bill No. 5601, Public Act No. 16-14, Section 1. Section 7-148v of the general statutes:
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of the general statutes or any municipal charter, special act or ordinance, any municipality may purchase equipment, supplies, materials or services from a person who has a contract to sell such goods or services to other state governments, political subdivisions of the state, nonprofit organizations or public purchasing consortia available through a regional educational service center or regional council of governments, in accordance with the provisions of such contract.
Restrictions are still in place when using state reimbursement money for constructions projects.
CREC Central
111 Charter Oak Ave
Hartford, CT 06106
©2025 Capitol Region Education Council